What is aura photography?

Your aura is the field of energy surrounding your body. Aura photography allows us to capture an image of this energetic field, which typically displays a variety of colors which are aligned with the chakra system. Your aura colors can tell a lot about your personality and provide insight into your spiritual and emotional well-being. Along with your aura photo, we offer a chakra photo, as well as an add-on personalized PDF report for an additional cost which gives an in-depth analysis of your entire energy system, including what your aura colors mean and how open or closed your chakras are.

What do my aura colors mean?

Your aura can be effected by many things, such as emotions, thoughts, and interactions with others. We have even seen auras change instantly when our clients have talked to others while having their aura photographed - for example, one client was given a compliment and her aura changed accordingly! Each aura color has both pros and cons - we will explain what your colors mean during your aura photo session.

Does my aura ever change?

Yes! Your aura changes constantly, just as we mentioned above, so when we photograph you, we usually allow you to relax for a moment in order for your energy levels to settle down. Most people typically stay within a certain range of colors, but different things can cause fluctuations, such as physical illness or emotional trauma. As you progress in your level of consciousness, you may see your aura colors shift as well.

Are there any “bad” aura colors?

You may have heard about someone having a black aura. Most people at some point in their lives have likely had a black aura, but it is not an indication that you are a bad person or anything like that. It is generally considered a placeholder for new energy to come in. The sensor we use to read your aura will always pick up a range of colors and will never show your aura as black, since it is such a rare and temporary thing for most people. So don’t be afraid, as you will not get a photo showing a black aura.

How long are aura photo sessions and what do I get?

Our sessions typically run from 5-15 minutes, depending on what type of event we are doing. We will customize the experience to your event in order to accommodate your needs. After we capture your image, we will discuss the meaning behind your aura colors and answer any questions you may have. Then you will receive your printed photo, along with any add-ons you’ve purchased. We do not save your images or reports for a later purchase, so you will need to buy what you wish on the day of your session.